Upcoming Events

Leadership 24/25 Cincinnati

Tuesday, August 6

Saint Ursula Academy
1339 E. Macmillan Street, Cincinnati OH 45206
$175 per student athlete

Team-Building & Fun Activities // Lunch included // Student-Athletes must be nominated by AD, Coach, or Phys Ed teacher

Qualifications:  Selfless  "We, not me" attitude, lead by example, willing to be an extension  of the coach and school leadership, taking learning back to team and putting  it into action.2024 events coming soon!
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Leadership 24/25 Oswego

Thursday, August 8
Oswego East High School
1525 Harvey Rd, Oswego, IL 60543
$175 per student athlete

Team-Building & Fun Activities // Lunch included // Student-Athletes must be nominated by AD, Coach, or Phys Ed teacher

Qualifications:  Selfless  "We, not me" attitude, lead by example, willing to be an extension  of the coach and school leadership, taking learning back to team and putting  it into action.
Find out more

Golf Mini-Camp

June 20-22 / 9am-12pm
Chicago District Golf Association HQ and course
$179 per individual player or $159 per player registering in a foursome
Open to 7th - 12th graders (2023-24 school year)

This mini-camp teaches a well-rounded golfer: golf skills, mental performance, leadership skills, and athletic competencies.

Register Now

Upcoming Events

Check back soon for new events!

Golf Mini-Camp

June 20-22 / 9am-12pm
Chicago District Golf Association HQ and course
$179 per individual player or $159 per player registering in a foursome
Open to 7th - 12th graders (2023-24 school year)

This mini-camp teaches a well-rounded golfer: golf skills, mental performance, leadership skills, and athletic competencies.

Register Now